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Proton Therapy Center
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Proton Therapy Center

Czech, Prague

Clinic Review

Proton Therapy CenterThe Proton Therapy Center located in Prague is the world's leading institution for the treatment of cancer using a proton beam, which was established in 2012.

Among other radio treatments, this method of irradiation is considered the most accurate.

It destroys neoplastic cells without damaging healthy cells and tissues. The center functions according to international standards, dealing with almost all types of cancer.

Proton irradiation is characterized by maximum accuracy, since almost all of the beam energy reaches the center of the tumor, practically without affecting healthy tissues.

That is why such method of treatment is characterized by a low threshold of side effects and a rather high percentage of cases of complete cure, in contrast to popular technologies of chemo- and radiotherapy.

Proton therapy is suitable for child's body as well, which is highly sensitive to ionizing radiation. Proton therapy is recommended for any localization of tumors, and in particular for the treatment of limited-prevalence with clearly defined boundaries.

In the center there is a collegiate organ "Council", consisting of top Czech specialists in various fields of medicine, the doctor of the Proton Therapy Center. Chairman of the Board - Professor, Ph.D. Doctor of Medicine Lyubosh Petruzhalka.

The main tasks and objectives of the Council for effective cancer treatment at Proton Therapy Center in Prague:

  • Treatment and counseling activities (prescribe a treatment strategy, monitor preparation for procedures, follow the criteria of the testimony, evaluate the results of treatment);
  • Scientific activity (preparation and organization of research programs, applied clinical research and testing, creation and implementation of projects on grants);
  • Publication activity (publication of information obtained as a result of research, its analysis and discussions in the scientific environment);
  • Improvement of professional level of the personnel;
  • Teaching activities.

Advantages of treatment in the Proton Therapy Center in facts:

Proton Therapy CenterPopular photon radiotherapy transmits a significant amount of energy to healthy tissues lying on the path to the tumor gradually, therefore (taking into account the depth of the location) of the neoplasm center reaches only a small percentage of energy.

When exposed to harmful effects of radiation, cells of healthy tissues are also exposed (especially those sensitive to radiation from the cells of the brain and spinal cord, glandular tissue and so on).

The newest methods of radiation therapy, such as IMRT (radiotherapy with modulated intensity) make it possible to influence the tumor with beams of different intensity.

Cyber Knife and Gamma The knife is dispersed in tumors and healthy tissues. The ionizing effect of healthy cells and tissues is significantly reduced by the accuracy of high-dose radiation.

Nevertheless, the use of these modern methods of radiation therapy does not exclude the effect of radiation on healthy cells. The advantage of a proton beam in front of a photon is that it retains the energy of the beam energy when it penetrates the tumor through healthy tissues.

Thus, about 70-80 percent of the energy is delivered to the center of the neoplasm. When the tumor reaches the energy, the energy in the beam slows down, which makes it possible to destroy the neoplasm within its boundaries. All tissues located behind the tumor are not damaged in view of the reduction in the power of the beam, which helps prevent a harmful effect on the nearby vital organs.

Main advantages of proton beam cancer therapy in Prague at Proton Therapy Center:

  • Minimal destructive effect on relatively healthy cells and tissues.
  • Low risk of complications during and after therapy.
  • Short rehabilitation period.
  • Reduction of the level of relapses.
  • A high percentage of the effectiveness of the destruction of cancer cells with the possibility of prolonging life for a long time and preserving the quality of life.

Features of the Clinic

Proton Therapy Center

The center is equipped with the famous Belgian manufacturer of medical equipment IBA. Today, this company is considered one of the foremost manufacturers of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.

The center is accredited by the Joint Czech Accreditation Commission for the safety and quality of the provision of medical services.

There are all kinds of computer tomography in Proton Therapy Centers:

  • CT of abdominal cavity organs;
  • CT of thoracic organs;
  • CT of pelvic organs;
  • CT of head and neck;
  • CT of soft tissues;
  • CT of the vertebral column and spinal cord;
  • CT of the brain;
  • CT of bones and joints;
  • MRI is one of the best non-radio methods of visualizing the anatomical structures of the human body. Completely harmless.

In the Proton Therapy Center an MRI is performed for:

  • Brain and spinal cord;
  • Vessels of the head and neck;
  • The spinal column;
  • Joints;
  • Organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities;
  • Angiography of blood vessels.

Positron emission tomography combined with CT is a unique and unique device in the world that provides data on the metabolism at the cellular level. This allows you to determine the cancer spread in body.

The combined PET / CT system is the world's first such diagnostic system with a large aperture of gantry, which makes super-high quality images including moving organs thanks to Time-of-Flight technology.

There are different PET / CT scanning options in the Proton Therapy Center :

  • With the introduction of FDG;
  • With the introduction of FH;
  • Of the skeleton NaF;
  • Brain and spinal cord with FDG;
  • FLT brain;
  • Targeted examination with FDG (lung and ENT area).

The Proton Therapy Center in Prague is equipped with a cyclotron and 5 cabinets of radiotherapy:

  • 3 of them work with a mobile platform (gantry);
  • 1 - with fixed platform;
  • 1 - is intended for irradiation of the eye tumor.


Prof. Ekaterjina Dedechkova
more than 20 years
Prof. Pavel Vitek
more than 20 years
Dr. Jiri Kubesh
more than 20 years
Dr. Ekaterjina Dedechkova is a radiation oncologist at the Proton Therapy Center in Prague. She graduated from the first medical faculty of Charles University in Prague.
She worked in the Department of Radiation Oncology of the Jicin District Hospital. Since 2001 she was a radiation oncologist at the Radiation Oncology Institute of the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University and the Faculty Hospital at Bulovka.
In 2009 she received a specialized qualification in the field of radiation oncology. From 2009 - 2012 she worked in the Department of Radiation Oncology of the Jičín Regional Hospital as a freelancer.
Specialty of the doctor: radiotherapy of head and neck tumors, malignant lymphomas.
Prof. Ekaterjina Dedechkova
Experience: more than 20 years
Professor of Radiation Oncology, Ph.D., MBA, Pavel Vitek graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of Charles University in Prague and began his professional career in the therapeutic department of Kladno Hospital.
Later he also worked in the Department of Clinical Oncology of the General Faculty Hospital 2 in Prague and the Institute of Radiation Oncology Faculty of the Hospital Na Bulovka in Prague.
Since 1996 he was the head physician of the inpatient department of the Institute of Radiation Oncology. To this day he teaches at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague and the Institute for Further Education of Physicians and Pharmacists. He regularly speaks at Czech and foreign conferences and publishes articles for specialized printed publications.
Specialty of the doctor: oncology GIT, neuroendocrine oncology, disseminated tumors of the peritoneum.
Prof. Pavel Vitek
Experience: more than 20 years
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Jiří Kubesh is the Director of the Medical Unit D at the Proton Therapy Center. The doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.
He started his career in the oncology department of Jicin Hospital. Later he moved to the Radiation Oncology Faculty of the Hospital Bulovka. He directed the radiotherapeutic unit of the Oncological Clinic Faculty of the Hospital in Ostrava.
Since 2007 he became the chief physician of the radiotherapy complex of the Institute of Radiation Oncology of the Hospital Na Bulovka. To this day he is the head physician of the Prague Proton Therapy Center, and also lecturer at the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and the Oncology Department of the Medical Faculty of Charles University.
    Membership in international communities:
  • The deputy chairman of SROBF.

  • Specialty of the doctor: oncology of the prostate, oncology of the head and neck.
    Dr. Jiri Kubesh
    Experience: more than 20 years
    Location of the Clinic
    Budínova 2437/1a, 180 00 Praha 8

    The proton therapy center is located in the north of Prague in 30 minutes (20 kilometers) by taxi from the International Airport named after Vaclav Havel. You can also take the Ragio Jet bus and take the bus No. 3 to the Praha Florenc area (the approximate duration is - 1 hour 15 minutes).


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